Combining MagTrack with Innomars “Sixpack” SBP
With an increasing number of offshore cables being installed, surveys to obtain the depth-of-burial (DOB) are an important task and done on a regular basis. DOB surveys shall determine the exact position and burial depth of the cable directly after dredging and later in regular intervals during its entire lifetime. With expanding offshore wind farming site explorations, DOB surveys become increasingly important. Innomar and Aquadyne combined forces and technologies to use the locating and real-time steering information provided by Aquadyne’s “MagTrack” system to efficiently acquire acoustic data using the Innomar “sixpack” SBP to produce a three-dimensional visualisation of the sub-seabed around a cable in a single pass along the target. This paper (PDF) was held at Teknas “Seabed mapping and inspection 2024”-conference and discusses the technologies used and shows encouraging field data from initial trials in Rostock, Germany.