Subsea cable tracking and positioning
We deliver instruments that help you find, track and position your subsea cables, pipelines and UXOs
Our expertise in subsea solutions is built on 25 years experience of providing state-of-the art instrumentation for a wide range of applications. We always aim to surpass expectations by understanding your actual needs, providing thorough training and offering extensive support.
Our newly developed MagTrack cable tracking system offers best in class accuracy and portability.
MagTrack with 4 sensors and 500m depth rating.
Innomar Sub-Bottom Profilers
Aquadyne is proud to be the Norwegian distributor of all Innomar Technologie GmbH products.
Innomar develops and produces efficient acoustic underwater systems, marine electronics and software and is the world market leader for parametric sub-bottom profilers.
Subsea Connectors
As manufacturer and distributor of subsea equipment Aquadyne has gained thorough experience with a wide range of subsea connectors.
If you need subsea connectors for your project, we are glad to help you find a suitable solution.
Reson Hydrophones and amplification
Aquadyne has 40 years experience in under water acoustics and instrumentation. We offer a wide variety of high quality Reson hydrophones and amplifiers.
If you need acoustic instrumentation for your project, we are glad to help you find a suitable solution.
TC4032 Hydrophone
Sonardyne Release Transponders and Modems
Aquadyne has supplied Sonardyne products since day one, and have great understandig of and experience with their products.
In recent years our main focus has been on their lightweight release transponders and underwater modems.
2 x RT6-3000m release transponders
1 x iWand with RT6 command unit
Contact us of more information
ASL Ice and Wave Profilers
We are proud to represent ASL Environmental Sciences in the Norwegian market - mainly focusing on their Ice and Wave profilers.
ASL Environmental Sciences is a world class company with over 40 years of experience in oceanographic, acoustic, remote sensing and ice research products.
It may not look exactly like the image, but for more than 25 years Aquadyne has also offered consulting services. We have mainly been working with instrumentation for the Oil and Gas Industry, Survey Companies and Aquaculture projects. We have been increasingly involved in cable projects and we are proud to assist environmental endeavors such as “The Ocean Cleanup”-project.
Here you can find demo, used and refurbished products at discounted rates. All products are checked and cleared by Aquadyne or their manufacturers before they are posted here.
(Note: This page is updated regularly, but some products might already be sold or otherwise unavailable)